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Our Services

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Scratch Test

Combined with a detailed medical history, allergy testing can help identify specific things that may trigger your allergic symptoms and asthma. Scientifically proven and recognized allergy testing combined with our board certified allergists provide the precision and expertise in determining what you or your child is allergic or not allergic to.


Allergy testing done by a board certified allergist is safe and effective for adults and children of all ages. Depending on you or your child’s individual situation, our allergist may perform a specific type of allergy test, like skin testing, or may rely on a combination of testing types to provide the most accurate diagnosis. Allergy testing is best performed in an allergist’s office to assure the test results are read properly and to minimize the risk of rare side effects.

Skin Testing
Allergy Skin testing is the best and most reliable method for diagnosing environmental and food allergies combined with a medical history consistent with allergy. It is a simple series of pricks that are applied to the patients back by a small instrument similar to a “plastic toothpick”. Each small “toothpick” will contain small amounts of single liquid allergens (pollens, molds, dust mite, and animals or foods).


If allergic to one of the substances, a small mosquito-like bump will appear and be raised, itchy, and red. The results are available within about 20 minutes. Certain medications containing antihistamines should be stopped at least 7 days prior to skin testing.

Intradermal Testing
For those patients who do not react to the series of allergy skin prick testing for environmental allergens, an intradermal process may then be performed. The allergen is placed just under the top layer of skin with a small gauge needle (similar to a TB skin test). Results take about 20 minutes.


We offer pulmonary function testing to evaluate lung function and diagnose respiratory conditions such as asthma. This vital service helps in assessing lung health and guiding appropriate treatment interventions.

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Allergic Reaction


To help establish a diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis, patch testing may be pursued to identify a potential trigger. During a patch test, small quantities of potential allergens are applied to adhesive patches, which are then placed on yourskin. The patches remain on your skin for several days and we will have you return to clinic at 48 hours and sometimes 96 hours to evaluate your response.

Oral Challenges

Challenge tests are utilized to accurately diagnose or disprove allergies. These tests involve use of foods or medications that may trigger an allergic reaction. During the test, a small amount of the allergen is ingested, and the patient is monitored for any signs of a reaction. If there are no symptoms, the patient will receive progressively larger doses. The test should be supervised by a physician with specialized training, and it typically takes 2-3 hours to complete.

Healthy Food

Allergy Immunotherapy
(Allergy Shots)

Subcutaneous allergen immunotherapy, also known as "Allergy Shots is a highly effective treatment for allergic rhinitis and conjunctitis, allergic asthma, atopic dermatitis, and chronic sinus disease with a significant allergy component. The goal of immunotherapy is to decrease sensitivity to allergens and "reteach the immune system to be less allergic." Allergy shots are the only allergy therapy that is disease-modifying rather than just treating the symptoms

Who are the Best Candidates for Allergy Shots
- You have moderate to severe allergies
- Medications typically used to control allergy symptoms (decongestants, nose
sprays, antihistamines) are not working
- You can’t effectively avoid substances that trigger your allergies
- You prefer to avoid a lifetime of daily allergy medication use
- If cost of the medications is a burden, allergy shots are very cost effective
compared to the use of daily prescription medications over several years
- If you are ready to address the primary underlying problem.
- If you have frequent recurrent sinus infections, ear infections, or respiratory
infections due to allergies
- If you have asthma that is triggered by allergies
- If you have a stinging insect allergy that has caused severe reactions

How Do Allergy Shots Work
Each allergy shot is tailored to the individual patient depending upon their allergen sensitivities. With allergy shots, increasing amounts of an allergen are given at regular intervals. Over time, the body develops immunity or tolerance to the
offending allergen(s). As a result, allergy symptoms decrease or minimize when a patient is exposed to that allergen in the future. There are generally two phases to immunotherapy.

Build-up Phase: Weekly injections are given with increasing amounts of the allergens at each visit. The length of this phase is generally 6-12 months.

Maintenance Phase: Once the effective therapeutic dose is reached and symptom improvement is noted your allergist will gradually work to space your shots from a weekly basis to every 2 – 4 weeks accordingly. During this time your allergy team will work to wean allergy medications as allergy control improves. The recommended course of allergy immunotherapy is 3-5 years.

Where Should Immunotherapy Be Administered
Adverse reactions to immunotherapy may occur and in rare circumstances a severe allergy reaction (anaphylaxis) may occur and require immediate medical attention. This is why immunotherapy must be administered in a medical facility appropriately outfitted with equipment and staff capable of identifying and treating these reactions.

Allergy & Asthma Affiliates offers 9 offices throughout the East TN region that is dedicated to serving our allergy shot patients and their families. We offer Saturday morning shot office hours at 2 of our locations. You are required to wait in the shot clinic where you receive injections for 30 minutes after each injection.

Biologic Therapy / Immunoglubin Replacement

At Allergy & Asthma Affiliates, our specialists use biologics to treat a variety of atopic conditions by targeting specific markers in the immune system. We prescribe commonly used biologic therapies such as Xolair, Dupixent, Nucala, Fasenra, and Tezspire to treat severe asthma, chronic hives/urticaria, severe eczema, nasal polyps, and even food allergy. Additionally, we provide care for patients with certain immunodeficiencies who may be more susceptible to infections and may require immunological replacement. Contact us to learn more about how biologic therapies can help manage your condition.
Drug and Syringe

p:  865-525-2640

fax: (865) 525-9536

2121 Highland Ave 

Knoxville, TN 37916

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